A downloadable simulation for Windows and macOS

A coronavirus outbreak descends upon the USA.  The fate of the nation is in your hands.   Control state and economic actions to subdue the virus and maximize lives saved.  Each action has consequences.  Quarantine too much of the population and the economy plummets.  Block roadways for too long and populations starve.  Push for an early vaccine at the risk of reduced testing.   Lockdown for too long and the population revolts.  If  infection rates grow too rapidly, hospitals overrun, crime rates soar, government breaks down, and infrastructure ceases to function.   There are no simple solutions.  You have 300 days to save as many lives as you can.

Realistic infection spread model, accurate population densities, material goods transport system, and economic impacts.  This simulation attempts to show the impacts of each decision, both intended and otherwise.   Try for a high score using different strategies and see what prevails.

Download the zip file and click on coronavirus.exe (for windows) or coronavirus.app (for mac) to run.  See the readme.txt file included for detailed instructions.

Disclaimer:  this game was written in Python.  It may run a little slow on older computers, but this is what you get with a non-software developer with too much time during a pandemic.


source code 151 kB
coronavirus1.0_windows 404 MB
coronavirus1.0_mac 176 MB

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